Friday, August 12, 2011

In His Step's By Charles Sheldon

This book is a very unique book. It talks about what would Jesus do in certain situations. As you open it's pages, it will convict you of how you are living your life. Are you living your life for the gain and glory of Christ or for your own glory or gain?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Peter Furler - On Fire

This former News Boys band member has come out with a new CD. It is excellent. I really like it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Starfield: Saving One

If you have not checked out the new album of Starfield's,it is excellent. It's called Saving One. Great, upbeat music and great Lyrics.

True Discipleship by William MacDonald

True Discipleship by William MacDonald is an excellent book. It give challenges to all Believers of Jesus Christ to live like a Disciple of Christ. As I read it I became very convicted of many ways I was living my life that were not in accordance of how I should have been living. It is a concise book with a lot of depth to it also. It will help you to understand what a True Disciple of Jesus Christ should act like. If you want a good read get this book. It will change your life.